M. Pavičić, M. Waegell, N. D. Megill and P. K. Aravind
Automated generation of Kochen-Specker sets
Scientific Reports 9, 6765 (2019)
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M. Pavičić and N. D. Megill
Vector generation of contextual sets
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M. Pavičić and N. D. Megill
Vector generation of quantum contextual sets in even dimensional Hilbert spaces
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M. Pavičić
Can two-way direct communication protocols be considered secure?
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M. Pavičić, O. Benson, A. W. Schell, and J. Wolters
Mixed basis quantum key distribution with linear optics
Opt. Express 25, 23545-23555 (2017)
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M. Pavičić
Arbitrarily exhaustive hypergraph generation of 4-, 6-, 8-, 16-, and 32-dimensional quantum contextual sets
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M. Stipčević, N. Demoli, H. Skenderović, M. Lončarić, A. Radman, J. Gladić, and D. Lovrić
Effective procedure for determination of unknown vibration frequency and phase using time-averaged digital holography
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M. Pavičić
Classical logic and quantum logic with multiple and common lattice models
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N. Demoli
Time-averaged holography using photon-counting approach
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N. Demoli, H. Skenderović, M. Stipčević, and M. Pavičić
Photon counting digital holography
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M. Pavičić
Deterministic mediated superdense coding with linear optics
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N. Demoli, H. Skenderović, and M. Stipčević
Time-averaged photon-counting digital holography
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